Lead Like Jesus
Unconditional Love
Chapter 12
Nachos are just tacos that don’t have it together. You could say they’re deconstructed. However, nachos offer the freedom of picking off and pushing aside, any additional ingredients you may not want.
Note that sour cream makes the chips soggy and
if left too long soaking in the sour, they become
limp and lifeless and fall apart.
Imagine for a moment, being able to deconstruct your life.
Picking away any thoughts of pride and the fears that pushed you to earn that pride as you succeeded
“on your own“. (91)
No pride can exist in the face of such grace and generosity and no fear can grab you from the safety of God’s unconditional love. (92)
Let’s try this another way. Close your eyes or close out of this app and return to it later. You’re going to want to really hear this one. I want you to fully receive this message as I (and this book) believe it to be the most fundamental basis, the foundation of all that encompasses God.
Here we go for those who stayed or have returned.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
I’m watching the clock for you. I promise to keep
this under five minutes.
Imagine aged paint on a piece of furniture.
Chipping off large flakes. Each piece is something
that has disrupted your peace. These pieces came from distress, brokenness, being wounded,
betrayed, disappointed.
Think about this piece of furniture before it was painted. You before you were painted, before you experienced these. Think as far back as it takes you. For some, this may be to birth.
For those who have had children, you may have had an inkling of this feeling when your newborn baby was laid upon your chest.
In this moment, whether it was you as a baby, or
you as a mother looking onto her baby,
this moment spoke a word.
This baby has no agenda. No spite. No malice.
This baby has yet to be misled by earthly things that offer love, peace, safety, and security.
Fear has yet to paralyze this baby.
This baby is not threatened by feedback, does not lead out of fear or cause anyone to be fearful.
This is absolute trust at the purest level.
Unconditional love.
You know Whose you are, and who you are.
This is how God loves you and me.
When we create a habit of remembering this, it will only bless us by providing relief to pressures we face. Blessings will then pour out abundantly through us to anyone around us.
Love draws us into relationships.
A habit is something you routinely do almost instinctively. It is a practice a daily practice. It is a reminder. It is not a fail proof task, but when you are unsuccessful, you regroup and jump back in. A nun’s clothing is called a ‘habit’ to serve as a daily reminder she is a servant to God.
We are encouraged as Followers, and as Leaders, to engulf ourselves in His love. To surround ourselves with reminders of His love. Anchor ourselves into the habit of hearing our names Spoken in and through His Word.
Here's how…
Jessica, I know you by name.
Alicia, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Kathy, I gave My life for you.
Wendy, I have a great plans for you.
Beatriz, nothing can separate you from My love.
Amaris, I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.
Becky, ask and you will receive.
Sonia, I want you to have life and have it to the fullest.
Sandy, I take great delight in you.
Yolanda, I am with you wherever you go.
Summer, I will never leave you, nor for sake you.
Accept this.
Don’t reject it.
Long ago, the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you My people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love, I have drawn you to Myself.
-Jeremiah 3:13
There are just a few minutes left.
Use the rest of the time to soak this in.
Absorb it.
Abide in it.
Reflect on moments where you
have experienced
His unconditional love.
Enjoy your next breath.
Love all of you!