Group Discussion
Conversation Starter
What were your expectations before watching this first episode?
Every follower of Jesus has a not-so-great “before”: A rash, brash fisherman. A pious religious leader, a thieving indifferent-to-suffering tax collector, a demon-possessed woman so insignificant that her “before” is not even recorded, so we are left to surmise what it might have been. And yet God calls people in the “before” – when they are not even aware that they’re simply broken versions of themselves. God calls people before He begins His transformative work of redemption because He see past the “before” to what He has purposed and planned. He sees past the “before” to those He loves enough to call His own.
Discussion and Learning:
Mary is from Magdala, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Magdala was a wealthy commercial village at which the fishermen on the Sea sold their fish. From there they were then shipped overland to the Mediterranean Sea and around the Roman empire.
What would his indicate about Mary’s financial status, and how is this reinforced in Luke 8:1-3?
Some have identified Mary as the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-39. She had seven demons cast out of her. Luke 8:1-3
This idea gained traction in the early church and is reflected in
The Chosen. However, there is no evidence that she is this woman. There is proof, however, that she is the first person to whom Jesus appears after His resurrection, as you’ve already read.
Much of The Chosen is intended to fill in potential ‘backstories’ for the Biblical characters. It’s painting a picture rather than just giving us the bare bones. As someone said, it’s painting rather than pointing.
Of the characters we’ve met today, here’s what we know for sure (the rest is conjecture):
Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin (Jewish ruling council in Jerusalem) (John 3:1)
Matthew was a tax collector - employed by the Romans but considered a horrible traitor by his fellow Jews. Horrible because he was viewed as a collaborator with the enemy, and because he made his money by charging more than the Romans asked him to collect. (Matthew 10:3)
Simon (Peter) was married (Mark 1:30) and had a brother named Andrew (Matthew 4:18)
Fishing on Shabbat (aka The Sabbath, beginning at sundown on Friday and lasting through sundown on Saturday) was strictly forbidden in Jewish law.
“Adonai” is translated “Lord”. It is the word that the Jews used to refer to God, in place of His revealed name, “Yahweh”.
In order to “not take the name of the Lord in vain”, the Jews
developed the practice of never actually speaking that name, but instead calling Him “Adonai”.
You will notice in many versions of the Bible that LORD is in all caps in the Old Testament – this is to indicate to us that the actual word there is “Yahweh”.
The Chosen Season #1 Episode #1 “I Have Called You By Name”
NOTE: This episode has scenes of demon possession and may be too intense for younger children.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you use subtitles, as strange as that may feel at first. After the first two episodes, if your group wants to eliminate the subtitles, you can do that.
NOTE: The first three episodes have much less Biblical material than episodes 4-8. They are really setting the stage for the fireworks to come in those later episodes.
Keep that in mind as you watch Episodes 1,2,3. The first three are good … but some really awesome stuff comes later.
So get ready and have fun!
Read prior to watching the movie:
The Chosen Season #1 Episode #1 “I Have Called You By Name”
What were your images of the characters you saw today, prior to watching The Chosen?
Did The Chosen provide any happy surprises or shifts to these images?
Any surprises with which you weren’t comfortable?
Give reasons for your answers.
What did you like about the backstories presented here?
Is there anything you’d change, given what you’ve seen so far?
How did Jesus appear to you?
Like you thought? Different?
What will you take home with you and ponder further?
What parts of your “before” has God redeemed, and which are you most grateful for?
In what ways are you different now?
How does “I have called you by name, you are mine” impact you today?
What do you fear, and how does Isaiah 43:1 – this declaration made by God to His chosen ones – affect your fear?
Episode Questions
1. Do you have a passage that brings you comfort when you are going through a difficult time?
2. Which character(s) has surprised you the most by the way they are depicted in the episode?
3. Do you notice any similarities when you compare people from first century society to people in modern day society?
4. Jesus called Mary by name; it was very personal. When have you experienced Jesus pursuing you on a personal level?
Personal Next Steps
Renew and Refresh
This week read Luke 8:1-15 and Mark 16:6-11
Take some time this week to timeline key events in your life where you experienced Jesus pursuing you.
Are you currently running from Jesus regarding some area or situation in your life?
How can remembering Jesus’ kindness toward you in the past, influence your decision making in this situation?
Continuing the Conversation
This episode depicted God’s individual pursuit of each person He has created. Who can I share this incredible news with who is outside of my faith community?
Thank God for His relentless pursuit of you. Ask God to help you see where you may be running from Him. Ask Him for courage to turn toward Him with all of the situations you are currently dealing with. Ask God to give you confidence and the words when sharing about faith in Christ