Season #1 Episode #5

“The Wedding Gift”

Group Guide

Episode 5:

The Wedding Gift

1 Kings 19:19-21

Jeremiah 33:10-16

Isaiah 40:1-5

John 2:1-12

Jesus turns water into wine

Jesus is found in the temple

What is his name, or that of his son

Jesus turns water into wine

Jesus is found in the temple

What is his name, or that of his son

Luke 2:41-52

Proverbs 30:1-6



Group Discussion


Old pages on kork board

1 Kings 19:19-21

Elisha becomes Elijah's servant

19 Elijah went away from Sinai. He found Shaphat's son, Elisha. Elisha was ploughing a field with 12 pairs of oxen. Elisha himself was using the 12th pair of oxen to plough. Elijah went to Elisha and he threw his robeover him.

20 So Elisha left his oxen in the field and he ran after Elijah.

Elisha said, ‘Let me go home first to kiss my father and my mother and say “goodbye”. Then I will come with you.’ Elijah replied, ‘Yes, go back home. But do not forget about what I have done to you.’

21 So Elisha went back to his field. He took his pair of oxen and he killed them as a sacrifice. He burned wood from the plough to cook the meat. He gave the meat to the people who were there and they ate it. Then he left home to go with Elijah and to become his helper.

Old pages on kork board

Jeremiah 33:10-16

10 The Lord says, “You say that this place is like a desert, and no people or animals live here. But I tell you that people will return to live here. You will hear the voices of people in the streets of Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah that are now empty.

11 You will hear the sounds of happy people. You will hear the songs of men and women at their weddings. You will hear the voices of people as they bring gifts to the Lord's temple to thank him. They will say,

‘We thank the Lord Almighty,

because he is good.

His faithful love continues for ever.’

Yes, I will make the land successful again, as it was before.” That is what the Lordsays.

12 The Lord Almighty says, “This place will become a heapof stones. No people or animals will live here. But I will put fields of grass around the towns again. There will be places for shepherds to rest with their sheep.

13 Shepherds will count their sheep again, one by one. They will do that in the towns of the hill country, in the low hills in the west and in the Negev region in the south. They will do it in the land that belongs to Benjamin's tribe, in the villages around Jerusalem and in all the towns of Judah.” That is what the Lord says.

14 The Lord also says, “A time will soon come when I do good things for the nations of Israel and Judah. I will do what I have promised to do for them.

15 At that time, I will cause a descendant of David to be born. He will be righteous. He will grow like a branch on the tree of David's family. He will do what is right and fair in the land.

16 When he rules, the people of Judah will be safe. Jerusalem's people will live in peace. People will give this name to the city: ‘The Lord is our righteous Saviour.’ ”

Old pages on kork board

Isaiah 40:1-5

God's promises to his people

1 Your God says, ‘Comfort my people.

Yes, comfort them.

2 Speak kindly to the people in Jerusalem.

Tell them that their time of trouble has now finished.

Their punishment has been enough.

The Lord has made them pay for their sins.

He has made them pay twice.’

3 Somebody's voice is shouting,

‘Prepare a way in the wilderness for the Lord.

Make a straight road in the desert for our God.

4 Raise up every valley,

and bring down every mountain and hill.

The rough ground and the ground that has rocks

will become flat.

5 Then the great glory of the Lord will appear!

All people will see it at the same time.

The Lord himself has promised this.’

Old pages on kork board

Read in Group

Jesus is found in the temple

Luke 2:41-52

Jesus visits the temple as a young boy

41 Every year, Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival.

42 When Jesus was 12 years old, his parents took him with them to Jerusalem. They went as usual for the festival.

43 When the week finished, Mary and Joseph left Jerusalem to return home. But Jesus stayed behind and his parents did not know this.

44 They thought that he was with their group on the way home. They travelled for a whole day. Then they began to look for him among their family and friends.

45 They could not find him, so they went back to Jerusalem. They looked for him there.

46 After three days, they found him in the temple. He was sitting there among the teachers. He was listening to what they were saying. He was also asking them questions.

47 Everyone who heard Jesus was very surprised. He understood so many things and he could answer difficult questions.

48 When his parents saw him there, they were also very surprised. His mother said to him, ‘My son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have looked everywhere for you. We have had a lot of troubles in our mind.’

49 Jesus answered them, ‘You should not have needed to look for me. I must be doing what my Father wants me to do. You should have known that.’

50 But his parents did not understand what he was saying to them.

51 Then Jesus returned to Nazareth with them. He did what they wanted. His mother, Mary, was careful to remember all the special things that had happened. She thought about them a lot.

52 Jesus grew up into a man. He became strong and he could understand more and more things. God was pleasedwith him, and people were pleased with him too.

Old pages on kork board

Read in Group

What is his name, or that of his son

Proverbs 30:1-6

The wise words of Agur

1 These are the words of Jakeh's son, Agur. It is an important message. The man says this to Ithiel:

God, I am weak and tired. I cannot continue to stand.

2 I feel more stupid than any other person. I do not understand things as other people do.

3 I have never learned wisdom. I do not know anything about God, the Holy One.

4 No one has gone up to heavenand then come back. No one has held the wind in his hands. No one has tied his coat around the seas. No one has fixed the borders of the earth. If anyone has done this, tell me his name. Tell me his son's name. Tell me, if you know.

5 Everything that God says is completely true. If you trusthim, he will protect you like a soldier's shield.

6 Do not add anything to what God has said. If you do that, he will warn you. He will show that you are someone who tells lies.

Old pages on kork board

Read in Group

Read in Group

Jesus turns water into wine

John 2:1-12

The marriage at Cana

1 Two days after that, there was a marriage party. It was in the town of Cana, in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there.

2 People had asked Jesus and his disciples to come to the party too.

3 When people had drunk all the wine, Jesus' mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.’

4 Jesus replied, ‘Woman, why do you tell me this? It is not my time yet.’

5 His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you to do.’

6 There were six big pots there. People had used stone to make them. Each pot could contain about 100 litres of water. The water was there so that the Jews could wash themselves in the way that their special rules taught.

7 Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the pots with water.’ So they filled the pots to the top.

8 Then he said, ‘Now take some of the water from the pots and give it to the master of the party.’ So they did that.

9 The master of the party tasted the water. The water had now become wine! The master did not know where the wine had come from. But the servants who had given it to him knew about it. Then the master asked the new husband to come to him.

10 The master said to him, ‘Everyone else brings out the best wine first. When people have had plenty to drink, then they give people cheaper wine. But you are different. You have kept the best wine until now.’

11 Jesus did this first miracle at Cana, in Galilee. In this way, Jesus showed how great and powerful he was. And his disciples believed in him.

Jesus goes to the temple

12 After this, Jesus went to a town called Capernaum. His mother, his brothers and his disciples went with him. They stayed there for a few days.

Background Info for Episode 5



Going Deeper

Reflection Questions

* Do you struggle with anxiety?

* What things do you tend to worry about the most?

* Why?

* Do you ask Jesus to help with the seemingly small stuff?

* Why or why not?

* Jesus used an everyday occasion to reveal His glory.

* How would you describe a common event in your life

through which He revealed His glory?

* How did this increase your faith?

Next Week

season 1, Episode 6

Indescribable Compassion