Wooded Forest Trees Backlit by Golden Sunlight before Sunset Wit
Black Blur Circle
Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

May 12, 2002 - May 5, 2012

Just shy of ten years as I say goodbye to a dear friend. What we have been through almost baffles my mind.

You were there for me as I carried my daughter, my miracle baby, in my womb, you stayed by my side as I was mocked for “going through that phase” since all women think the church is important while they are pregnant. (Still phasing by the say.) You occupied my lonely nights as I was a new mother craving for interaction with someone other than my little baby.

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

When my father died, I held you closer than anything I have ever held. There were also those times I pushed you away as much as I could. You seemed to always find your way back into my heart. I have laughed over over you, and Lord knows, I have cried all over you. Your Words of Truth have been my only constant in life; whether I wanted to hear them or not.

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

You are stained with craft glue and the remnants of children’s stickers, they were so proud to share and a very old name tag from one of the first Bible study groups I went to. As I open you, I find at the front, a flyer for next weekend’s event with last weekend’s Life Group notes. A card labeled Hillcrest Ministry Staff and Families. This card was among many, handed out years ago for the church family to pray over. I admit I have not been a faithful steward in this area regarding consistent prayer.

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

Random slips of paper tucked throughout you, holding precious verses of promises I was given as a weekly gift, in a Bible study that revealed the true forgiveness that has been given.

Memory verse cards, a great idea by the church-but one I never stepped up to the palate to memorize.

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

Small slips of paper with notes that were, to reveal my shortcomings, written and passed during service...Mom, can you help buy the kids groceries for their lunches…” “Can we have dinner with you for a couple of nights this week?” Dear to my heart, a post-it note was inserted and affixed next to Matthew 5:31-32 (The section titled in my Bible, Divorce). Written in my handwriting, Isaiah 43:18-19 Forget the former things, do not dwell in the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”. Underneath this clear direction from God, my mother’s handwriting “It’s not enough to mark them - you have to Believe what the Scriptures are telling you. It will get better.”

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

One of my favorite sayings is written on a large index card and clipped with desperation, to the back cover. “A Bible that is falling apart probably belongs to someone who isn’t.” How tur that statement has proven to be. When I have torn through these pages for answers, refuge, help I recall how that sad and hurtful time in my life could have been so much worse, had I allowed worry to consume me. The faith that pumped through my fingers to scribble, mark up, and tab the Bible, was so much stronger in times of turmoil, than when things were “lukewarm.”

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

Aside from the Letters of Love found in the Word, in this Bible, one will find a heart; a love letter from God, given to me after the most life-altering study I have ever experienced. Simply stated, “I Love You, God.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

This verse reminds me, I am a new creation and with new creations, come new beginnings. And now, at a new beginning juncture in my life, I begin with my new Bible, identified and embossed with gold lettering, the name I shall share with my husband. I rededicate my life to be serving Him. Throughout the pages are tabs and other markers to provide an emergent resource, whether it is forgiveness, love, assurance, peace, worry, rest, plans, anxiety, rivalry, thirst, past, good wors, wise sayings, inheritance, painful experiences, comfort, adoration, strength, grace, decision making, suffering.

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

I keep in there the handwritten copy of my dear child’s obituary, as well as the guide to the memorial service, where his life was recognized and lifted to the Lord. When my mother bought me this Bible, I carried on her tradition and used only my first name. My name did change a few times in these ten years, I proudly display my new name on my new Bible. I am a new creation. Summer Charron. Goodbye old friend. You have served me well.

Funeral notice

Bible Obituary

Garden of Eden
Text Box Notes
art nouveau frame flower
Text Box Notes



Garden of Eden Arboretum, Road to Hana, Maui, Hawaii
Rectangle text box
Garden of Eden
Late autumn
graffiti spray paint element
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden Arboretum, Road to Hana, Maui, Hawaii
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Three crosses on Calvary
Christian illustration. Choir on the background of a musical note.
Green Starry Night
Hand Drawn Word Miracle.
Green Starry Night

i am a writer


the author

i am a writer


the author